Neurodiversity Affirming Assessment menu of offerings

We provide a range of assessment options, depending on the needs of the individual person. Below is a menu of assessment options we provide.

Consultation: Meet with a neurodiversity affirming clinician for a clinical interview and consultation about, well…you! At this type of appointment, feel free to bring prior evaluations or assessments to have our assessment clinician interpret the results and findings. This level of assessment does not provide diagnosis. $250

Executive Function and Sensory Profile: This level of assessment is for individuals who have already received a diagnosis, and would like to take a deeper look at their specific executive function challenges, as well as certain sensory strengths and vulnerabilities. This level of assessment does not provide diagnosis. $600

Informal Assessment: This level of assessment provides clinical interview and assessments, as well as a follow up session to review the findings. You will be provided with a letter of confirmation of diagnosis, as well as a summary of the instrument findings. However, this letter is for personal use only, and will not provide recommendations for medical, education, or occupational accommodations. $1,600

*If you should choose an informal assessment, written reports are available for up to 6 months after the assessment date. $600

Formal Assessment: This is the highest level of assessment, and provides clinical interview and assessment, as well as a follow up session to review the findings. You will be provided with a comprehensive report, complete with diagnosis and recommendations for accommodation. $2,200